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Image by Kendal


If there is a small chip in your nail, file it straight away.  This will avoid peeling and tearing of your nails.
Make a point to wear gloves, especially while in water or scrubbing.
Avoid soaking in water for the next 24 hours. Doing dishes, swimming pools, spa pools and cleaning chemicals. Although your nails feel dry they need 24 hours to cure properly.
Keep your nails away from moisture as they can turn into breeding grounds for infections and can make your nails lift.
If your nails flex (usually due to soaking in water) this could cause cracking of your gel polish.
Use the sides of your fingers (NOT your nails) to pick small items up such as coins!
Invest in a good cuticle oil, this will keep the nails from drying and becoming brittle & increasing the longevity of your nail enhancements.
When flushing a toilet or pressing down on a button - Use your knuckle of your finger rather then risking your nail being caught and bending backwards.
When it comes to removing your extensions or gel polish, unless you are absolutely sure of yourself, get a professional (AKA ME)  to remove them for you.
When thinking about extensions think about your lifestyle, extensions require regular maintenance and are defiantly a commitment!
If your lifestyle and/or profession won’t allow, don't invest in extensions.
Keep your extensions 2-4 mm long for the most natural look and to avoid lifting at the back of your extension.
As your real nails grow there will appear a gap behind your extension. You are due to have them back filled usually fortnightly.
Extensions are rather delicate. Subjecting them to the harshness of opening soda cans, bottles etc could result in them breaking. You should use a knife or key to open it to avoid breaking or bending your nail backward. Ouch!

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