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Artistic Perfect Dip Nails are rich pigmented colour & wonderful strength in one product.

If you have trouble with gel polish peeling or your nails need a bit more strength or length and  if you cannot commit to fortnightly back fills with other extensions this product is perfect for you!

Applied as a colour overlay or natural looking extensions, they are also easily removed with no damage to the natural nail beneath, making them even better for school balls & Weddings.

It takes time to get used to wearing nail extension, you will need to adjust the way you preform some day to day tasks. If you need some tips and hints see my  "Jewels Not Tools" info sheet.

Extensions can be back filled in 2 weeks as your natural nail grows out, but after a months wear I do recommend to remove them and replace them.

Use a medium grit file to keep the length similar to when you left the salon to prevent lifting at the back of your extension.

Cuticle oil - Use this at least once a day, this will allow the nail to stay hydrated, which in return will help to stop chipping and cracking happening.

Your Perfect Dip Nails are a soak “ off product” which I recommend returning to the salon for a removal, and IBX treatment on your nails to make sure your natural nails are in good health & prevent any damage from occurring to your natural nail. If you are not able to get back into the salon to have the removed, please refer to the Artistic Colour gloss aftercare sheet to removal instructions. Never pick or pop your extensions off this will cause severe damage and be very painful.

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